6 Causes of Shingle Roof Deterioration

ULTIMATE Warning System For Your Home’s Exterior

( Repair Your Shingles Before It’s Too Late! )

Roof deterioration is a common cause of shingle roofs losing their effectiveness. There are many complex reasons for this occurring, and they usually show disparate symptoms.

The primary cause of roof deterioration is the high ultraviolet (UV Rays) and infrared (IR) rays that penetrate shingles and asbestos roofs. This, in turn, also speed up the rate at which runoff from precipitation soaks through the roofing materials. The result is a synergistic effect where both lead to accelerated damage on shingles or materials used as tar paper underlayment. Many asphalt shingles roofs have been shown to deteriorate after about 15 years of service due to rain absorption into the roof surface. Shorter lifetime roofs require more costly replacements without guaranteeing that they will last longer than a typical lower-cost roof installation.

When to Inspect Your Roof

According to the National Roofing Contractor Association (NRCA), roof inspections should happen annually.

It is recommended that your roof deck be inspected regularly for any signs of wear or damage. There are many ways in which this can be accomplished. You can do it yourself by using a step-ladder and then checking all over the property – inside and out – for any issues with roof leaks, loose shingles, or missing shingles. But if you choose not to pull off your inspection, one helpful service is TCI Manhattan’s roof repair service NYC.

Intense Winds

Intense Wind can cause problems for your roofing system as well as other damage to your structure. For example, high-speed Wind from a storm or hurricane can knock off the shingles from the top of your building, leaving them to float around and landing on possible openings in the structure. When those flying shingles hit those openings, it could lead to a lot of water coming through. Therefore, the roof should be inspected immediately after a storm or hurricane passes through to see if there’s any significant damage done to your property. If you notice anything out of place – such as missing shingles, cracks in the sealant material between joints – be sure to contact professionals for professional assistance with repairing these damages before they get worse.

Unfortunately, I have found that roofing services in Manhattan are notoriously unreliable, especially given the size of most roofs. This is with no disrespect to the vast array of individuals who provide these services. Our stressful lives continue to affect our ability to take care of simple tasks, including projects related to home repairs.

Excessive Sunlight

Excessive sunlight destroys the life cycle. Excessive amounts of heating and drying on the roof can cause corrosion, loss of waterproofing, premature aging (increased metal fatigue), and ultimately structural failure. It’s impeTherefore; it’s to be observant of leaks that may indicate deterioration in your roof.

Poor Attic Ventilation

Poor attic ventilation is a widespread problem. As air quality degrades, roof deterioration leads to even less ceiling airspace for chimneys and vents to function correctly. This leads to poor attic ventilation- notably, one’s home can develop significant health issues as air contaminants seep in through the cracks; the EPA notes that the main culprits are mold, mildew spores, dust mites (which can aggravate asthma), pet dander (triggers allergic reactions like sneezing and itching), nicotine (a respiratory irritant) paint vapor or other volatile organic compounds – all of which cause health problems when they enter your lungs.

The poorly ventilated attic also increases energy costs, does not correctly regulate interior conditioning, and can cause building material deterioration over time. Furthermore, dirty air from the outside has improved the chances of entering through uncontrolled paths. If this problem persists, it can also create respiratory issues for inhabitants by accumulating dust around ceiling rafters and ducts.

Rain, Snow, Hail, or Ice

Rain, snow, hail, or ice can lead to roof deterioration. The more intense the weather event, the more of an effect on your roof it will have. This is not to say that all roofs are so fragile they cannot withstand some light precipitation. All ceilings are damaged by these extreme weather events differently depending on their materials and age of construction.

Roofs with ice accumulated on them usually mean too much weight, which causes additional stress past what the building material is designed for (generally leading to cracks). If water penetrates these cracks, it can freeze and cause walls or floors within a home to separate due to cabin pressure (leading to severe structural damage).

Trees or Shrubbery

Trees or shrubbery spread roots, damaging shingles and causing leaks in places where trees extend themselves over a house’s roof. Rain may also wash leaves onto the top, where moisture can cause rot on wood surfaces. Additionally, these plants damage gutters which lead rainwater into the foundation of your home via downspouts or through cracks in pavement sealant. Some older houses with historical significance might not allow this kind of construction work to occur, so it is always best to check with the owner before proceeding. A lot depends on what they want their property to look like and how old it is.

Choosing trees or shrubbery will prevent the risk of significantly increased repair costs due to the damage caused by shrubbery on roofs. With growing Millenials outnumbering homeowners under 30, more and more homes suffer from deteriorating roofs, making it crucial for roofs be in perfect condition at all times – which is why selecting trees over shrubbery is an easy decision with many benefits when it comes to cutting down expenses in the long run! Furthermore, by combining tree coverage along with strategically placed tarps, you are sure to escape residents of costly repairs or roof replacement projects in the future.


Lichen is a composite organism that grows in close partnerships with other organisms. Lichens can cause roof deterioration, so it’s essential to remove them if you spot them before they consume too much of the roof to the point where it collapses. Fortunately, this problem is straightforward to deal with– scrub away at the lichen with soap and water or something else appropriate, which should dissolve them quickly. If not, throw salt on them for an alternative method. Be sure never to use bleach as it ruins their natural coloration.

Lichen forms exceptionally quickly because they don’t need sunlight or any variation in climate– just moisture and cold temperatures (“the cold-side”)– making roofs susceptible then these creatures take.

Hiring a Professional

When hiring a professional for services, recommendations from trusted sources are the best indicators of a good contractor. Requests for reputable contractors can be found on many realtor sites, sites for homeowners’ associations, and service providers directories, such as Angie’s List. Purchasing materials from the general contractor is another way to avoid

When it comes to roofing services in Manhattan companies, we recommend companies that have been vetted by New York Magazine’s Architectural Review Board. Companies with excellent customer reviews like TCI Manhattan. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of possibilities based on experience and referrals from friends or family members.

Final Thoughts

Roof deterioration is a serious issue, and if you notice any of the six causes of roof damage listed above, it’s time to think about hiring professional help. Our team has years of experience helping homeowners with shingle roofing inspection and repair services that will leave your home looking brand new. We know how important protecting your investment in both time and money can beā€”that’s why we offer competitive rates on all our work.

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