Is It Better to Repair or Replace a Roof

Is It Better to Repair or Replace a Roof?

The final decision whether to repair or replace an entire roof largely depends on the age of your roof and its present physical condition. Your roof probably only needs minor repairs if you can still tolerate the visible damages like small cracks or holes. However, if the damage becomes unbearable, you need to consider either partial or complete roof replacement to minimize further damage inside your home. 

Considerations When Choosing Repair Work Over Replacement

A roof repair seems more ideal than a roof replacement if your roof only shows minor damages. Since a roof is meant to withstand various forms of weather elements, it should guarantee you at least 20 years of service life before your roof begins to wear, except for some commercial roof types when the damage is just limited to confined areas at your home. For example, in the kitchen or garage, anyone with basic DIY skills can use roof sealants to fix a small crack. However, it’s better to call a professional roofer to repair the damage if you want less trouble for yourself. 

Budget Constraints

When minor repairs are good enough to cover the damages, there’s no need to invest in a full roof replacement, especially if you lack the financial capability. Roof repairs can help you save thousands of dollars over the installation and material costs of a new roof. What may appear like a huge problem at first might only require basic repairs instead of replacing the entire roof, so make sure to pick the appropriate roofer who can offer less expensive roofing options for you. Remember that the cost of a new roof installation may exceed your immediate budget, particularly if you previously acquired healthcare insurance or a car loan. 

Consistency on Your Current Roof Style 

Suppose you’re truly concerned about your house’s architectural integrity. In that case, especially if you live in a traditional home, you must not change your roof’s original composition unless the damage has become overwhelming. However, when you replace the roof of your home, you automatically alter your property’s overall appearance. A roof repair may allow you to maintain your property’s original home design, but it becomes more challenging to search for the same roof parts style due for replacement. That’s why if you’re currently staying in your ancestral home, you would want to keep it as close to the original look, no matter what type of home renovation you want to pursue in the future. 

Suitable for A Quick Roof Service

Roof repairs will surely benefit you once you have discovered any roof leaks within your property. Just because your roof has incurred damage after a recent hailstorm or heavy downpour doesn’t mean you need to consider replacing most of your roofing components. You can easily have all your basic roofing problems resolved by a roofing contractors New York. Especially if you don’t have the luxury of time and roof replacement isn’t your option. 

The majority of homeowners prefer roof repair services since they only change an old roof once or twice throughout the house’s average service life. This is why investing in either partial or full roof replacement isn’t a good option. Especially if you will only stay in your home for a short while. With the advanced fabrication practices, roofing options become flexible, allowing homeowners to choose the best roofing material that suits their budget preferences without sacrificing quality and performance. 

 Assuming that your roof has minor damages, you should give immediate attention to prevent further roof leaks from different locations of your roof. When you inspect for a potential roof problem, there are apparent signs which you need to watch out for, as listed below:

  1. Moisture indicators appear like paint bubbles, brown-colored stains, and water drops on wales and ceiling.
  2. Multiple chipped shingles or broken roof tiles
  3. Damaged roof gutters and bet flashing.
  4. Interior water leaks or stagnant water spots.

If shingles or any roof materials appear as chipped or loose in your naked eye, you may have these broken parts thoroughly inspected by your preferred roofing specialist. You should also check for any dripping water from the ceiling or damaged window sealant in any portion of the house. 

Consideration When Choosing Roof Replacement

Service Life

Before homeowners choose to get a new roof, they often consider their present roof’s current service life or expiration date. The longevity factor, however, is directly influenced by the quality of installation, material composition, and of course, the location where these roofing materials have been installed. Asphalt shingles, for instance, typically reach their full-service life after 20 years, if properly cared for, while slate tiles and some metal options can last over 100 years.

When you choose to install a new roof, you’re more likely to get the exact roof color and pattern you want. However, if you choose to replace only the damaged shingles from your roof, you can easily see the difference between the existing shingles and new ones, forming an unsightly curb appeal for your home. For sure, you would want to go for the option of roof replacement if material consistency is important to you. 

Non-Compliance to Building Codes

From time-to-time, construction guidelines and building codes are being updated as manufacturing practices continue to improve. Unfortunately, you need to keep your property fully compliant to local codes and community guidelines or if you already reach the maximum allowable requirement for roof repairs. Otherwise, you may end up having issues with your property should you decide to deal with it in the near future, so have your property thoroughly inspected by a certified roofer. 

Excessive Damage

You should consider a roof replacement if the roof damage becomes irreparable, for instance, if a huge tree has fallen straight to your roof. The catastrophe may become too extensive for general home repairs if your home has lots of water leaks, rotten interior components, and damaged roof underlayment accumulated over the years. In some instances, you may also be forced to settle for a roof replacement if your roof has been recently damaged from a natural disaster like tornadoes and snowstorms.

One of the great benefits of roof replacement is that you can have several important roofing components replaced all at the same time. Roof repairs, however, will only focus on specific areas of the house while incurring additional expenses when roofers need to go back and fix the problem over and over.

With regard to choosing between roof repair and replacement, it is still best to have a credible roofing specialist explain your roof to receive expert recommendations. Here at TCI Manhattan Roofing NYC, we continuously provide a complete line of roofing services on residential and commercial projects throughout NYC. Once you entrust your roofing concerns with us, your newly-installed roof, apart from other home improvements, can make your property look appealing in the eyes of the public. 

About Us

TCI Roofing is new york’s premier roofing company and commercial contractor. With generations of experience, you can rest assured that we will get the job done right the first time, every time.

TCI Roofing attracts and retains a group of talented professionals who approach projects with the goal of service excellence and seamless completion.

Our project executives and resource group team leaders have an average of more than 20 years in the industry and take pride in sharing their knowledge with and mentoring the next generation of leaders.

Our Services

Roofing Services

Roofing, Repairs & Leaks
Asphalt Shingles
Flat Rubber Roofing
TPO Roofing


Concrete Services

DOT Sidewalk Repairs 
Blacktop Repair
Concrete Repairs

 Foundation Repairs
Driveways Repairs
Walkways Repairs

Masonry Services

Brick Pointing
Step Pointing
California Stucco
Grey Stucco

Our hours

8:00 AM – 11.00 PM
Monday – Sunday

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