What Are the Pros and Cons of Cedar Roofing

What Are the Pros and Cons of Cedar Roofing?

Cedar roofs are a type of roofing made from the bark of the Western Red Cedar tree. Cedar roofing is a type of roof that has been used for centuries and continues to be popular today and has been a popular choice for many homeowners when it comes to repairs and replacement. Find out Cedar roofing’s pros and cons in this blog post!

Is a Cedar Roof Worth It?

Yes, indeed, they’re not just any old material but one with centuries worth of experience protecting homes by keeping them cool inside during warmer months and warm inside during cooler ones. They make up a great choice if you want an environmental-friendly option or low maintenance, such as a cedar roof. Since Cedar roofs are an excellent investment for your home, it is important to protect them with an experienced professional who knows how to work with this specialty material and hire certified roofing contractors who have experience installing them as well! When working on cedar shingle installations, make sure not to space the pieces too far apart or ventilate incorrectly because these could lead to costly problems down the line.

How Long Do Cedar Roofs Last?

The best thing about these roofs is that they last for an incredibly long time, typically between 50 and 100 years. This means you’ll have to do less maintenance and keep your eye on it much less often than with other types of roofing materials. Unfortunately, one downside is how expensive it can be due to having such a lengthy lifespan! You may want to explore all your options before making this choice as there’s no reason not to note any disadvantages or risks associated with buying anything at all.

What are the Advantages of Cedar Shingles?

1) Cedar shingles are environmentally friendly. Cedar roofs capture and store heat before releasing it back into the atmosphere. What this means is that any time you install a cedar roof, you’re actually helping to reduce global warming because of its eco-friendly materials!

2) If you live in an area where wildfires or extreme weather often happen, then think about installing one too since they can withstand fire much better than other types of material, such as metal or asphalt.

2) It provides a classic look. If you’re into interior design with that rustic cabin feel, then this type of roof will be perfect for your home! Shedding shingle shakes off dirt which means there’s less airborne dust in your house.

3) It can also help reduce ice dams by slowing down melting water or snow from getting under it too much, so these roofs make a great choice if you live in an area where winters get freezing cold, such as Maine or Vermont!

4) Cedar roofing is the most durable type of shingle or shake. It resists wind, rain, and other types of severe weather that can damage your home’s exterior. Cedar roofs also don’t require sealants to keep them in a place like some other materials do; they’re easy to install at any time throughout the year!

What are the Disadvantages of Cedar Shingles?

Hefty Price Tag

The initial cost to purchase and replace something like a cedar roof is generally expensive as the lifespan on these roofs lasts so long, but there are always replacement costs down the line, which might be costly to someone on a budget.

Needs Regular Maintenance

Cedar roofing will last a long time – if you properly maintain it. All types of roofs require some maintenance to ensure their longevity, but cedar roofing requires more than is typical. Keep leaves and debris off the roof by removing them or sweeping them away. Reduce moss by cutting back or removing nearby trees with regular pruning. And avoid mold growths like mildew that could burrow into your expensive home materials by keeping surfaces moist-free for as much of the day as possible. Additionally, use plenty of ventilation while spending lots of time indoors during hot months when windows are closed against bugs to increase air circulation from surface moisture condensation caused naturally within walls themselves due to wind drafts up close.

Why are Cedar Shingles so Expensive?

Cedar shingles are more expensive than cedar shake because they require a lot of work to finish and look polished. Cedar shakes will cost less, but there is still variation in price depending on the quality of wood used. Cedar has become a popular material for roof shingles in recent years due to its durability and beautiful look. Cedar is thin but provides excellent protection against rain, impact damage from hail storms or other natural events, as well as the snow and ice that often build up in the winter months. For the said reasons, Cedar is highly valued by home value appraisers!

How Often Should you Treat a Cedar Roof?

Cedar is a durable material that can resist water but not everything. Cedar shakes may start to degrade with exposure to the sun, elements, and even some rainwater without proper treatment; this means they could be vulnerable to fungal growth or catching fire if untreated. Various treatments can be performed as part of the cedar shake roof maintenance every couple of years. This includes water repellents, fungicides, algaecides, and fire-repellants to ensure a long life for your beautiful home! These treatments should be applied once or twice per year depending on what type they are – it is crucial not only that you keep them up but also follow the treatment application in order so as to prevent mixing reactions with other products.

When Should I Replace My Cedar Roof?

The cedar shake roof is a natural beauty with its unique silver color and rustic appearance. The shingles turn this way over time due to age, weatherization, or regular maintenance. Eventually, homeowners will see signs that the cedar shake roof needs replaced, which can be quite attractive in some cases depending on how old it looks for your home’s architecture style. Other signs include: splitting or cracking, with missing pieces, warping, and leaking.

If you have a cedar shake roof showing heavy wear and damage, think about replacing the whole thing. Patching just some of these would be expensive in addition to creating disunity within your home’s aesthetic quality. Over time it can also cause additional stress on non-repaired areas, leading to more problems down the line for those spots as well!

How Do I Care for My Cedar Roof?

Cedar roofs are a natural beauty that will last for years to come with proper care. The best way to ensure your cedar roof is looking its best and lasts for as long as possible is by cleaning it yearly or every two years, depending on the severity of how much you use your home, maintain it, and what type of environment you live in. What’s vital is using safe products like those mentioned above, which can be purchased at most hardware stores; this includes water repellents, fungicides, algaecides, and fire-repellants to prevent exposure to elements that could cause damage over time without these protective measures!


Although Cedar roofs do need consistent care, including periodic maintenance such as power washing them every few years if nothing else but even then, there’s still a chance for problems down the line like warping boards and shingles bending out of shape. Cedar roofing is an excellent option for homeowners who want to invest in the longevity of their homes. Cedar lasts up to fifty years and can withstand extreme weather conditions, so it’s perfect if you live somewhere with intense seasonal shifts like Texas!

If you are unsure about what kind of cedar product will work best for your needs or need help from professional roofers, contact ManhattanRoofingnyc.com now!

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