Kinds of Roof Damage Covered by Insurance

What Kind of Roof Damage is Covered by Insurance?

A roof is a critical home component often covered by home insurance firms. However, when it comes to insurance claims, there are many policy terms and guidelines homeowners must comply with before they can be paid.

You’ll probably encounter more serious roofing issues, which will result in more claims when your roof continues to sustain damage. For this reason, home insurers look at this as critical for any insurance investigation. Unfortunately, insurers won’t likely cover your property if your roof is already aging.


Types of Roof Damage Insurance Firms May Cover

Your insurance firm may pay for your expenses if you have a leaky roof. However, it will depend on the amount of effort you put into keeping your roof functional for many years. As a homeowner, you’re expected to do everything possible to keep the damage to your roof from getting worse and to prolong its service life. In many cases, the insurance firm won’t reimburse your expenses if the roof repair isn’t properly handled by professionals.

The home coverage in any homeowner insurance policy is designed to protect your precious estate, including the roof, against inevitable weather damage. 

Roof damages that cause vulnerability often include:

  • Fire (electrical and forest fires)
  • Wind and hail
  • Hurricane and tornadoes
  • Fallen trees

You may find that your insurance coverage helps shoulder the cost if your roof needs repairs after sustaining heavy damage. Some insurance policies may contain personal property coverage intended to repair or replace damaged home interiors.

As a policyholder, you’ll likely need to settle a deductible before the home insurance helps you pay for the roof repair New York of your damaged roof. To determine the amount you can claim, read your policy carefully and learn the content of your coverage limits and deductibles. It’s always a good idea for a certified roofer to review your insurance policy to find out how much it covers to repair or replace a damaged roof. It will also help reduce the additional amount of repair services outside of your policy. 

Home insurance companies generally cover roof damage caused by vandalism, accidental fire, and natural disasters such as snowstorms and tornadoes. However, the terms and conditions, whether you’ll be paid in partial or full, depending on the counter of your policy as well as the age of your roof. You’re more likely to receive reimbursements if your roof isn’t that old, particularly for a new roof repair or installation.

There are specific conditions in which home insurance providers don’t provide coverage, such as lack of maintenance and material wear. They only offer limited protection to pay for any sudden or accidental damage. If your leak problems are caused by recurring maintenance issues and aging roof membrane, insurers won’t likely pay to fix the subsequent damages.

Conducting regular inspections is the key to get paid for the rendered repair and replacement services. If you also plan to move to a new house, knowing the roof’s right age and whether your insurance policy can cover your roof is crucially important. Not only the type of roofing material is important in insurance coverage, but also the time when it was installed.

For a damaged roof 10 years old and below, you’ll likely get coverage for a complete roof replacement. However, if your roof already exceeds 20 years, you may only receive a partial payment based on the value of your roof during the time it sustained the damage. Nevertheless, homeowners can still claim the roof damage if the roof has been properly maintained and inspected by a professional roofer. Remember that insurers usually consider the age of the roof and its prevailing condition when providing coverage. 

Not all insurance firms openly renew insurance policies for homes in relation to roof damages unless your home has passed a rigorous inspection. They’re less likely to provide coverage to residential structures with roofs that are 20 years old and beyond. Insurers only pay the actual cost for the repair or replacement. However, the amount is usually low. The amount you will receive is only based on your roof’s value after 20 years of existence, regardless of physical condition. 

Roofing experts believe that your roof’s life expectancy has probably exceeded once the roof reaches 20 years. In some instances, there are unresolved issues within the roofing system that can be overlooked, such as high moisture content and extreme temperature change, possibly resulting to further roof deterioration. If it happens, it would be worth your hard-earned resources to replace the roof instead of repairing it. A roof replacement costs $10,000 or more, but you have to spend that amount as an investment covered by insurance. 

Because insurance companies offer roof protection differently, you should carefully analyze your policy’s content to get paid right for the repairs. TCI Manhattan Roofing Services NYC is here to have your damaged roof repaired in accordance with your existing insurance coverage.

About Us

TCI Roofing is new york’s premier roofing company and commercial contractor. With generations of experience, you can rest assured that we will get the job done right the first time, every time.

TCI Roofing attracts and retains a group of talented professionals who approach projects with the goal of service excellence and seamless completion.

Our project executives and resource group team leaders have an average of more than 20 years in the industry and take pride in sharing their knowledge with and mentoring the next generation of leaders.

Our Services

Roofing Services

Roofing, Repairs & Leaks
Asphalt Shingles
Flat Rubber Roofing
TPO Roofing


Concrete Services

DOT Sidewalk Repairs 
Blacktop Repair
Concrete Repairs

 Foundation Repairs
Driveways Repairs
Walkways Repairs

Masonry Services

Brick Pointing
Step Pointing
California Stucco
Grey Stucco

Our hours

8:00 AM – 11.00 PM
Monday – Sunday

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