What To Expect During a Residential Roof Replacement in Manhattan

What To Expect During a Residential Roof Replacement in Manhattan?

If you’re in Manhattan, a roofing job is something that all homeowners have to deal with eventually. Every homeowner will eventually need to replace their old roof. When the time comes to replace your roof, you should be aware of the steps to ensure that it is done appropriately. The replacement method is the same regardless of the type of roof you have, and the roof replacement cost is quite costly. It’s a fact of life for roofing contractors in the city who are always on call for roof replacements. If you’re not sure what to expect during the full roof replacement, there are steps you may take to guarantee that everything goes as planned.

What Are The Roof Replacement Tips?

Both the outdoors and the inside of your home should be prepared. If you are having any damaged plywood fixed, it is a good idea to cover all of your furniture, bedding, and clothing to protect your belongings from falling debris. Roofing materials will be strewn and nailed all over your roof by the roofers.

If you have an attic, use an attic tarp to cover everything. If possible, remove any objects so that you don’t have to worry about probable damage. It’s always a good idea to be prepared.

After you’ve finished preparing the inside of your home, relocate anything outside near your property that could be damaged by falling debris.

Patio furniture, barbecues, and potted plants are all included. Solar panels, antennae, and satellite dishes should be removed before any existing shingles are removed.

The contractors will have ample area to move anything back and forth from your property if you park your car and any watercraft further down the street.

You shouldn’t have to leave your home while the roof is being replaced. Because roofing contractors operate during office hours, any disruption to your routine should be minor. If you work from home, the noise may be bothersome. Spending time with a friend or family member is an option.

Your Pets and Children

There’s a potential that debris will fall from your roof during construction. This poses a danger to your children and pets. Explain to your children why they cannot go outside to keep everyone safe. You can also create zones where they can safely play. If you have pets, the best thing you can do is put them in the quietest area in your house so they won’t be stressed by the noise above.

What Are The Important Steps in Replacing Your Roof?

The eight fundamental steps are listed below whether you have a metal roof, slate, or shingle roof, the same preparation.

Step One: Property Protection: Your contractor’s first task is to keep your property safe while replacing your roof. Siding, plants, walls, and bushes are all protected with plywood and tarps.

Step Two: Remove Your Old Roofing: All of your old shingles will be removed so that your wood decking can be thoroughly inspected.

Step Three: Inspection: During your inspection, any rotten, soft, or moist wood will be replaced. This is required to guarantee a sturdy foundation for your roofing construction. This ensures that your asphalt shingles will not be damaged. In addition, your roof’s wood sheeting will be examined to ensure that it is properly fastened.

While removing the old material, some contractors fail to look for missing nails. As a result, before installing your new asphalt roof, they do not re-nail your wood decking. Unfortunately, bumps on your roof may occur a few weeks later. It would be best if you double-checked that your wood decking has been re-nailed and that your roof is securely fastened.

Step Four: Preparing Your Roof’s Surface: Once your wood decking is ready, the drip edge is put around all of your roof’s edges. This is a ninety-degree-bent piece of metal that prevents rain from seeping beneath your roofing material at the borders.

Step Five: The Ice and Water Shield: The ice and water shield is a type of roofing underlayment. Because it sticks to your wood decking, it prevents any water leaks in your roof. In addition to the bottom of your roof, all roof penetrations such as roof connections, pipe flanges, and chimneys must be installed. Water and ice will not be able to penetrate your wood decking due to this. This can cause cracks in the structure, weakening it.

Roofing felt should be used to cover your roof once your shield has been put. Your new shingles will not stick to the wood if you do this. The majority of roofers utilize heavy-duty roofing felt. After that, the contractor can start putting in the supplies needed to prepare your roof. To ensure that your new roof can withstand extreme weather and is watertight, the majority of experienced roofers undertake the same or similar methods.

Step Six: Installing Your New Roofing Materials: Once all of the needed stages have been performed, the contractor can begin laying down your new materials on the roof’s base. Roofing materials typically range from $2,500 to $25,000. The roofer will work their way up from the bottom. They follow certain protocols when installing ridge capping, ridge vents, and counter flashing.

Step Seven: Cleaning the site: The job site should be cleaned every day. Professional roofers think that when they depart, the site should be cleaner than when they arrived.

Step Eight: Final Examination: Once your residential roof replacement is complete, you should conduct a thorough inspection. It’s critical to ensure that your roof was installed correctly and that you approve of it.

Tarping During a Roof Replacement

When preparing your roof, professional roofers will use a lot of tarps. You should be informed that they may require access to your home. Tarps are placed on the sides of your house to protect your siding, windows, decks, and plants from falling shingles. If it starts to rain during the installation, tarps will be utilized to protect your shingles and roof.

Checking Your Vents

The roofer will examine your current vents to ensure that none of them require roof replacement. Your shingles and roof will not last as long if your roof is not properly vented. Continuous ventilation is only possible if there is a vent at the top of each row of shingles and the peak of your roof. The roofer will inspect the framing or flashing on your vents for any signs of rot or rust. If this is the case, the vent will have to be replaced.

The contractor will ensure that any insulation in the soffit vent ports has been removed. Next, your attic’s interior will be examined to see if any intake or exhaust vents need to be replaced. Exhaust pipes and vents can also be found in your laundry room, bathroom, and kitchen. These may need to be replaced or cleared away. If your bathroom does not have a vent, you can now have one installed via your new roof.

Remove The Existing Roof Materials

All of the old materials, right down to the plywood, must be removed before your roof can be replaced. Do not be shocked if the installation of your new roof takes some time. For example, all flashing and vents must be removed after the shingles have been removed. Other features must also be removed before the installation or roof replacement of your new roof. You’ll note that the roofing contractor keeps all of his materials in a neat and orderly manner. This allows kids to stay organized while safely walking around your roof.

Gutter Damage

The contractor will inspect your gutters for any separations or damage. They might inquire if your gutters have been overflowing regularly. This is a wonderful opportunity to have your gutters replaced if there are any difficulties. There’s no need to replace your gutters if they’re still working properly.


If you have a shingle roof, you must remove all the old shingles. A roofing shovel or a garden fork can be used to do this. These tools are used to pry up the nails, release the ridge caps, and pull the shingles off in the direction of the roof jacks. Pulling up all of the nails and removing the shingles takes time. Shingles are hefty and, more than likely, filthy.


When you do residential or commercial roof replacement, you are taking a crucial step in maintaining and increasing the value of your property. Even if you’re nervous about the process, you can ensure a smooth transition by following the proper preparation measures before the arrival of the installation team. This will make your life and the lives of your roofers much easier. In addition, you become a part of your new roof installation by understanding the procedure and what you should do.

TCI Manhattan can provide you with a free roofing quote today!

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